Welcome to My Long Commute Sucks, the website dedicated to people who commute to work. And there’s a lot of us out there, too.

As someone whose been forced to commute for many years, I know how it is. We don’t choose to commute, but the dream of living close to where we work isn’t always an option. In fact, the reality is almost the opposite.

​Approximately 86% of Americans Commute to Work Every Day

​The average one-way commute time to work is 26.8 minutes. But check this, in 2024, almost 19% of Americans reported daily commutes between 30 and 59 minutes! That’s around 22 days per year doing nothing but travelling to and from work. I don’t know about you, but OMG!

The irony is – on those rare occasions where we find a place to live which is close to work, we tend to then change jobs. Or seek to upgrade our living situation, the sacrifice being it’s often miles away from work.

The cold hard reality is when we’re not clocking our 9 to 5’s, we’re spending what precious time we have left, travelling to and from work.

And that sucks!

There is a Better Way to Commute!

We can’t do much about the time we spend commuting – that’s just how life is for most of us. But the good news is we DO have some control over that time. As someone who has spent years dealing with a 1.5 hour commute EACH WAY for many years, I became passionate about making the best possible use of that time.

And you know what? It really helped. There’s no magic solution, but we can:

  • Make our commute more comfortable
  • Optimise our commute to shave off as many minutes from the overall journey as possible
  • Be productive, doing things on the commute which may save us time in other parts of our day
  • Learn to enjoy the unique ‘me-time’ that a commute often presents

So if you have a long commute to work and aren’t particularly happy about it, stick around. Whether by train, car, bus, bike or foot, we’ll work together to make our long commutes suck, just that little bit less!

Improve Your Commute – Start Here

Train Commuter Essentials, Car Commuting Essentials

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Quick Links

National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak):

The official website of Amtrak, America’s national passenger railroad service. Plan trips, find fares, and get real-time train information.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA): Passenger Rail Division:

The official website of the FRA’s Passenger Rail Division. Find information on passenger rail safety regulations, grants, and industry news.

American Public Transportation Association (APTA): Commuter Rail:

The official website of APTA’s Commuter Rail department. Access resources for commuter rail operators, best practices, and industry trends.

Railway Safety Alliance (RSA): Passenger Rail Safety:

The official website of RSA provides resources on passenger rail safety awareness, education, and best practices.

American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA): Passenger Services:

The official website of ASLRRA offers information on short line and regional railroads that may offer passenger services in your area.